Australian Slang Quotes
Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oi Oi Oi!
Happy Little Vegemite
I love a sunburnt country
Ya bloods worth Bottling!
She'll be Apples!
Back of Bourke
Banana Bender
Have a Barney
Beating around the bush
You little Beauty
Better Half
Put the Billy on
Past the Black Stump
True Blue
Bull dust
Give it a Burl
Bush telegraph
On ya mate!
'ave a barbie
Lets hit the frog & toad (lets hit the road)
She'll be right mate
Little Aussie battler
Madder than a two bob watch
Bonza bottler mate
'ave a go, ya mug!
The missus
Useful as an ashtray on a motorbike (ie useless)
Tinny short of a six pack
Sandwich short of a picnic
Ripper mate
Busy as Bourke Street in rush hour
By jingoes (surprise)
Going to have cakelbeerys (eggs)
Chew the fat
Cho a block (full)
Chuck a spaz, wobbly, U ey
Use the clodhoppers (feet)
Cods wallop (rubbish)
Cooking with gas
Have some dead horse (tomato sauce)
You're a dead ringer (look alike)
It's a dogs breakfast (mess)
Yonks or donkey years (a long time)
Fair crack of the whip
Fair suck of the sav (equal)
Fed up to the back teeth. (had enough)
Flat out like a lizard on a rock
Flat out like a lizard drinking (both relate to stress)
A over T (fall over)
Any tick of the clock.
Its the bee's knees (the best)
The big smoke (city)
From go to woah (start to finish)
Have a gander! (look at)
Zonked out (tired)
Willy nilly (no rhyme or reason)
Thunder Box (dunny)
Give us a tingle (phone)
Gone Troppo!! (mad)
Scarce as hens teeth!!!!! (very rare)
Gotta shoot through. (leave in a hurry)
Spit the dummy
Stunned Mullet!
Ridgie didge (the real thing)
Pack a whollop
Off the Beaten track!
On for young and old (a barney or argument)
Out in the sticks (bush)
On the nose! (rotten)
Make tracks (leave)
Misery guts (constant complainer)
Lob on in (arrive/come over)
Keen as mustard
Knee high to a grasshopper (very short)
Knackered (exhausted)
I kid you not
Home and hosed (something thats has been completed)
Five finger discount (steal)
W/A = wait awhile
The back of beyond
Wash ya hands jeffrey (from an old handsoap ad)
You have two chances and they are both in Bourke street
Buckleys and Nunn (mind you they aren't there any more -a Victorian one)
A wigwam for a gooses bridle (an answer to what are you making or whats for dinner)
Use the biblical and ye shall find (when you asked if he'd seen something lost)
Look it up in your funke & wagnels
I still call Australia home
Fair dinkum
Throw a snag on the barbie
Ripper rita
Not happy Jan!
Flamin heck
Gord Strewth
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