
By Jennifer Gormly
Leftover scrapbooking supplies
are perfect for making cards for your friends
and family. This card was made in under 5 minutes
with leftovers. Have a look through your scraps
and have some fun making personalised cards
for the special people in your life.
Cut a rectangle of
Chatterbox Den Vacation Plaid Paper
measuring approximately 14cm by 5.5cm. Tear
along the top edge to give a white edge. Ink
the other three edges with green ink. Adhere
along the bottom of the card, as shown above.
Finally, select two birthday
present stickers from
Doodlebug Birthday Boy stickers. Arrange
them in the bottom right corner of the card
and adhere. You may want to trim them down a
little to get the desired height.
If you would like to have
any of your designs included in our resource
centre, please email them to us at
[email protected]
(please make sure all files are .jpg or .gif).